Emily loving on sweet Joshua James
Blessings to all of you who are praying for beautiful Joshua James...thank you! I wanted to provide a bit of an update. The short version is that Joshua is eating like a champion, completely loving his mommy and daddy and keeping them up at night. They have many doctor's appointments and much of their instruction will be "watch and wait". I am continuing to leave the details to the One who knows them all. But, please continue to pray and hold this precious family up.
Gerry and I have an easy, loving relationship. We were chatting today and another co-worker mentioned in those moments when the roller coaster dips deep into the bends and turns, we question our hearts...is my faith enough? Quite honestly, I think BECAUSE our faith is so deep, we know that God is capable of that which we cannot understand or comprehend.
I thought of the mustard seed my dad brought me when I was a little girl. He had gone to a Christian men's retreat and when he returned home, he handed to me a small package. Inside, was a lovely little necklace, a bubble with a tiny seed inside and inscribed with the words, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed..."
Our faith is so much bigger than that mustard seed, but how comforting that if we have even that little bit of faith, mountains can be moved! I am anticipating the great things God is going to do in Joshua's life...get out your mustard seeds people and keep those prayers lifted high!
Mustard seeds are all out and exposed! Praying for and cheering on Joshua James, his parents and his grandparents!
SO refreshing to have a "easy" friendship ~ something tells me Gerry is that beautiful friend to many. What a love! And he is blessed to have the Beautiful Beals. :)
Cheering them on in prayer and love!
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