Picture snapped by Kate at Max & Mimi Photography this summer
Redheads, I have learned, have an interesting existence. Rarely do we head to the grocery store, a restaurant or a walk around the neighborhood without the telltale comment, "Oooh, I love your hair." Emily has learned to navigate these comments sometimes even ducking away from well meaning hands, anxious to touch her little head. She has learned to thank people graciously for their compliments, and she has learned how to answer probing questions with great integrity.
Her hair is somewhat of a trademark, a vital piece of what makes her "Em".
So many women, mature in years, approach Emily with a certain smile, wistful look or memory knocking heavily at the door of their heart. They carefully extend themselves to her, reaching for the fiery tresses and gently caress her soft locks reclaiming a piece of themselves, now lost in the white mass that has replaced their own crimson coiffe. For just a moment, they are nine or twelve or twenty two or even thirty five...and Em has learned to grant them this joy.
Perhaps, that is why the decision to cut her hair was difficult for her. She knew without doubt that she wanted to send her hair to Locks of Love in hopes of blessing a child suffering, however, when faced with the cape and the chair, she declined the first try, "I am just not ready." Perhaps, Like Samson, she felt her strength would be compromised lacking the length she became used to. I, too, struggled with the permanency of a shorter do. What if we missed it? How would we get that thick hair into a ponytail??? It seems like such a silly thing to be concerned with.
And it was. God's greatest lessons often come in the small things, the things we think are important or the unknown we fail to trust Him in. Emily learned a really great lesson as she stepped away from the scissors the first time and then prayed for the "right time". She woke one morning a few weeks later, "Today is it!"
This summer on the beach - BEFORE
The final product!
Emily sent a total of 13 and some inches to Locks of Love. They were able send both ponytails. I love that she made the committment to do this and I loved some of the valuable lessons she has learned during these three long years of growing it! We are crazy about her new shorter hairstyle and I will be honest, mornings are a whole lot happier now! :)
Such a special gift from your big girl! And her new haircut is beautiful!
What an amazing child she is. She looks beautiful with her shorter hair.
LOVE her new do. Annslee did this too last Dec. sending 12 inches. Funny, I too was the one who was sad about her hair but also benefited from the "no tangles" I am now trying to see if we can cut it again LOL She looks beautiful with her new sassy hair : )
Em...you are such a special girl. Your smile always encourages me and you have such a servant heart. I pray one day we can meet...so I can give you a great big ole hug. You make me smile little one:) Love you!
Way to go, Emily! Love her new shorter do too!
I can relate on so many levels as a sister redhead!!! I have always wanted to participate with Locks of Love but my thick hair would get to a certain length and I couldn't stand it any more. Congrats to both Em and you for your steadfastness and patience through the process. I adore the new do!!!
OMW...I LOVE the new do. She looks stunningly beautiful...she is just glowing.
She is an old, wise and gentle soul. You must be so proud. :-)
Oh, what a beautiful gift she has shared! I LOVE her new shorter style!!
Oh that child has a heart of gold, truly a blessing, she is. She looks absolutely stunning with her new do! I love it so much. She is going to do great things in life...she already is!
I just love Em!!! (And her mother, too!!!) What a dear, sweet girl who is already so generous of heart at such a young age. And the "after" do is just lovely.
{{{{{{Big hugs from Ohio}}}}}}}
OH Emily! You look stunning...and even more grown up (if that's possible). You still flash that same beautiful smile and have those same sparkly eyes though. What a special girl you are! Congratulations on taking that step to get into the chair and go for it. Your new haircut suits you. Did you know Hope did the same thing this summer? She said goodbye to 11". What a precious gift to share.
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