Three.whole.years. It is so hard for me to believe that three whole years have passed since that wonderful day when my cell phone rang telling us we had another daughter. I have those surreal moments when I gaze at Hannah and become overwhelmed. Overwhelmed that I am her mommy, overwhelmed that the Lord knew she was our daughter and made sure she got to us safely, overwhelmed that Hannah's birthmother bestowed upon us a gift that is indescribable, overwhelmed by the love that supercedes genetics, overwhelmed... and most definitely thankful. Thank you Lord, for sending us two precious children; Each and everyday, they bless our hearts and rock our world.
Recently Hannah played with one of her "China sisters". She carries around a picture of the two of them, telling anyone and everyone, that she and Lyla were in China "TOGETHER"! Congratulations to all of the other families celebrating their Referral Day.
You can visit here , or here to see the last two years posts for referral day.
Hannah, we love you. We loved you long before we knew you or could see you. We are so grateful the Lord brought you to us when He did and we know His timing is perfect. We pray for all of the families awaiting their children. We know now, what others told us, that the wait would become a faded memory once you were known to us, but we grieve for the families that continue to wait and pray for their little ones.
Our family would not be complete without you. At 4:30 PM, I will remember... I will remember with great sentiment that first moment, when my breath left me and I saw for the first time the child chosen for us. I will remember how I looked at your sister and with grand thanksgiving praised God that it felt so different and so similar all at the same time. I will remember another family, far away, for whom I am grateful beyond measure. I need not remember the joy, it is here, it remains...praise God!
Happy Referral Day!!
Oh what a sweet post....and adorable 3 year referral day photo!! She is too cute for words:)
You are very blessed my friend to have two little girls who are beautiful inside and out!
Hope you have a wonderful week!
I can't believe it has been three years!!! That was such a wonderful day for our RQ pals!!!!!!! And, I loved following your husband and Dave...
Hannah has blossomed into one very special little girl! She is such a beautiful little girl!!!
Happy Referral day from another of Hannah's China sisters!!! It is amazing that it has been 3 years. I have so many emotions on these days. Blessings to you and your family my friend!
Love, Kim, Dave, Will, Harry and KAte!
Awwww....Happy Referral Day to all of you! What a wonderful memory!!! Hannah looks beautiful!
God has been faithful, and you are faithful to "remember your journey"!
Micah 6:5 - "Remember your journey...that you may know the righteous acts of the LORD."
We love you all!
What a very sweet post! Wow -- 3 years -- she has really grown! You are a blessed family! Hope you have a great week.
Happy Referral Day to Hannah and your family!!! What a sweetheart she is, I love how you captured the day with pictures and your so eloquent and from the heart words! You are all very blessed to have each other!
Happy Referral day my sweet sweet friend and sister.
I love these special posts because they mean so much to all of us...the day the Lord gave us another child. He is so faithful and loving and merciful.
Love you!
What a sweet post and pictures! You are sooo blessed!
Happy referral day to such a wonderful family!!! The Lord has truly blessed you to have Hannah and for her to be a part of such a wonderful family. God is great!
Oh, she is so so pretty and has the same little face!!
How sweet to recall such a special moment in your family's journey!!
Such a beautiful post for this special day. I wish I had known you back then to be able to follow your journey. I am so glad that I do now.
Happy celebrating!!
What cute pics of your sweet girl. I love that you captured her just as she is and what a sweet post about the moment and all the joy since : )
Happy Referral Day! I still think she looks like such a peanut! As gorgeous as ever!! Happy 3 years!
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