It is a short season. It seemed like when we were young we were invincible. Ghosts in the Graveyard and Run the Bases occupied our summer nights. Teachers and tests replaced our games in the fall. Trips to the amusement park never seemed to get old and certainly the carousel was never too childish. After all, gathering the most rings was really fun :)
An afternoon spent under our big pin oak in our side yard was utter joy. My dad would scoop up hoards of leaves in the fall and we'd roll down the hill, landing straightaway in the middle of that mountain of dust and mold...and we called it fun! My cousins and I played endlessly with the classic Barbie dolls, we played Make me Laugh until we cried, we laughed so hard.
I would be lying if I said I didn't miss those days. Most definitely, my days have been replaced with a different kind of fun...I now see delight through the eyes of Emily and Hannah. But, every now and again, when the wind whips through my hair and I run like a child, I remember the moments of my own childhood. The ones that shaped me and blessed me more than I ever realized until I had children of my own. I noticed as I rooted through pictures that some of my very favorite shots were taken on the merry-go-round. I thought of how ironic it was that Rob and I had our favorite wedding picture captured on a spinning carousel. Foreshadowing? Nah.
When we are little we enjoy the cacophony of music and motion as the carousel moves round and round, up and down. Adulthood is not so different. Round and round, up and down...can you relate? It is just a different sensation now. I think I'd choose to go back to my childhood love of the carousel, which does not include the complexities of worry and fear that our adult version includes. was simpler. And it was indeed, short.
What a fun story of reflection, Heather!... I truly enjoyed reading it!! I occasionally peruse over the memories of my childhood and teenage years...and think of how fun it would be to go back for just a day or two...or maybe even a week. I know that I would appreciate it differently now that I know so much more about what life has to offer, and how truly free our hearts really were as children and young adults! It would be fun, if only for awhile!! :)
But like you, I am grateful for where I am now, and love seeing the joy of those years through my children. We truly are blessed! Life it a such a gift!! <><
Hi Heather!
You were such a beautiful bride....I love that photo of you and your handsome groom:) What a unique place to have your wedding picture taken!
You are so seems life is constantly spinning us round and round and up and down. When I was little I always wanted to carousel to keep going, because I didn't want to get off. Now, I pray that the spinning stops and that life can become much simpler again.
Great post....have missed you:)
Heather...what a beautiful post! Yes, life is very much like a roller coaster and I loved reading your reflections of childhood and now adult years.
Your sure were a beautiful that wedding picture on the carousel!!! And you are just as beautiful now, but with the added glow of being the mom to 2 Blessings!!
thanks for sharing...have a great day!!
What a great post! Love your wedding photo on the carousel -- think it says - "hold on tight and get ready for the ride of your life"?!
Great photos of your girls -- so sweet, as are you! Take care.
LOVE the carousel pictures. Very pretty, all of them! How sweet that you have a series of them like that.
Oh what a great post - you have me in tears here just remembering my childhood and what I have also "seen" through my girls' eyes...Thank you for taking me back and also looking forward...
Hope you are having a wonderful week :)
So when are you going to publish these brilliant posts, Heather!?! Your perspective is so refreshing.
Your email this week just touched me so. You are such a special woman. Special, special, special...
p.s. What a beautiful bride you were!! Love that shot of you on the carousel - both then AND now!
Oh so sweet. My grandma always took us on the merry go round in Seaside NJ....such fond memories:) You all look so happy!
What irony! I love to read anything you write have such a way with words. I know what you an older mom now, I think I enjoy each moment alot longer now. They are so precious.
You always seem to find just the right words to capture the moment.... the heart of the matter.
Thank you for taking us on this ride through memory lane.... I found some long lost memories of my own while enjoying yours.
Love all the pictures of your beautiful family.......
Hold on to the fact that it is ok for us to remain child like... just not childish.
Big hug to you my friend,
What a sweet post! I love the pictures too.
Love the pix...following the Merry Go Round of life. So glad we are now riding along with you and your family! :)
Heather this was a beautiful post, just like the 3 ladies in it!!! Thank you for sharing this.
Love and blessings, Kristy
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