I disagree. I think there are no perfect marriages. But quite conversely, I think many are happy. We are approaching our seventh wedding anniversary. Nope, no itches. Does he make me crazy? Some days. Do I make him crazy? Some days. Even with the uncertainties life hands us and the moments that bring out the ugly monster in all of us, I can honestly say that I am grateful. Happy. Content.
I am thoroughly enjoying the time I get to spend with the girls. Their personalities, so different, always changing, forever beautiful in my eyes, their mother. I remember hoping, praying believing I would be a mother...someday. It felt like someday took forever to roll around, yet on this side of it, I don't quite recall the lonely years, the wondering if it would be my turn. It is my turn and I don't want to miss any of it.
I am thankful for new friends. This has been a year of newness, for all of us. Through adoption and other avenues, I have stumbled upon some pretty amazing families. I know these people were purposely placed in our lives and I cherish each one, looking forward to what is in store for us and how our relationships will grow. One will be visiting this fall and I cannot wait to share a long awaited hug with her. One has slowly entered our lives, revealing each time we are together a new reason we belong in each others' lives. There are others, each special.
I am thankful that God stretches us, changes us, molds us. I am a mere shadow of the punctual, Franklin Planner packing, desperately stylish woman I once thought I had to be. Now, I wear sweats (GASP) to the grocery store (okay, they are cute sweats), I don't stress when I have to change a diaper just as we step out the door, I skip the vacuuming to swing and take Emily to Bible Study. While on vacation, I had visions...two polar opposites, running on the beach, white dresses salt licked from the ocean and hair wildly flying in the wind, they are smiling, posing, loving that I am pointing the blasted camera at them once again. Their vision was different. They wanted to wear sweats so they could "play" in the sand and fly kites and well, stay warm:) And though they did not ban the camera, they wanted me to fly kites with them, alongside, without the pressure of the perfect smile. I conceded. We all won.
Just beautiful, friend. Just beautiful!
Once again, my heart feels warm as I read your sharings.
He is glorified through your thankful and contented heart!
Happy Almost Anniversary! Enjoy those two gorgeous girls today!
Parts of your post could have been lifted from my own heart. We also just celebrated 7 years(and although not without struggles, very happy!! I like to say...no deep itches, but occasional hives! :-))...and I too, remember (if only faintly) the feelings of waiting. Waiting for my life. Waiting to be a mother. And the gift of all that waiting and hoping is that I don't take a second of it for granted. The kite pictures are lovely...beautiful, in and of themselves and also for what they represent to you as a fabulous mother.
I, too, look forward to that visitor in the fall!! :-)
Wonderful post!!
I love this post. I feel this way too. I was so career driving in my 20's and early 30's. Now I have really mellowed. I still work, but I have nothing to prove. I have swam with the giants and came out on top. I have a prestigious job, but work in a jean skirt and top.
It's all good.
And I agree that you can have a happy marriage. I am very happy in mine.
Loved this. It's so wonderful to read about true contentment... not just happiness but JOY! Yay God! :)
Your pics are great, too! It looks like it was a perfect day, sweats and all ;)
I always enjoy your posts Heather. Lovely...
I love your vacation pics!!!Such wonderful memories...
Beautiful Heather!
Happy Anniversary!
I would be honored to be a part of your "blog roll"!
I can't wait to meet you and Sharon! Come for a swim after I get home with Naomi! We would LOVE the company and fun!
Blessings to you this weekend!
PS I am so thankful right along with you!
What a beautiful post Heather! I couldn't agree with you more. Your family is just beautiful. I see the love you have for each other and for God thru your blog. :)
Love the girls on the beach flying their kites!
Absolutely beautiful, Heather!
Your precious girls......oh my!!!
Happy Anniversary too!! Each year is precious...we celebrated 16 years of marriage in May!
Sweet Blessings!
Once again...BEAUTUFIL! I also love the beach pcitures just the way they are----prefect:)
Sorry about the typos...you know what I meant:0)
Heather -- I can so relate to this post! I am jealous that you are in cute sweats -- I am usually still in my PJs with a bed head!
What a beautiful post. It's important to feel content in life, but not always easy in a world that continually wants us to have more.
PS. Your daughters are so beautiful!
I miss the time to visit! Your girls look beautiful in the sand, in the park, on the porch...anywhere you snap their photos. And boy do I wish i had more time to dress my own self :)!!
Beautiful as usual Heather, you need to write a column or book or something!
I was looking over your list of prayers and I came across your prayer for my friend Jason with the brain tumor. We are praising God for his miraculous shrinking of his tumor and for the promise of a long life. He went from a 1 percent chance of living to 50 years, thank you for your prayers!
So beautiful and true. I love to read your writings and alot of what you said I hold in my heart also for my children. God has blessed us all so much.
Heather, this brought tears to my eyes. You've got it right, girl!! Contentment, even when things aren't perfect. This post really inspired me to spend more time letting the "things" go to spend more time with my kids and hubby. Your pictures are just beautiful!
Ok, the girls' sweats are too cute! I Love your thankful heart and totally agree with the happy marriages; as hard as ours is, I find it very happy!
Your girls are beautiful!!
Sweet Heather, you made me cry!!! Thank you so very much for your precious words about my Mama and Daddy's 53rd anniversary! They read my blog and have been so touched by all the kind comments left by my precious blog friends!
Thank you so much!!!!
What a beautiful post and two very beautiful girls.
It was very moving to read and see into your world. You have a very beautiful family. May God continue to bless and keep you happy. It is inspiring to read how much you care for others less fortunate than yourselves. Thank you
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