Last day of school - Hannah and I went to Chapel with Emily, it was so nice
The end of the school year activities coupled with a snafu in our family has made the past couple of weeks just a bit more hectic than anticipated.
Keep my sweet mother in your prayers. She fell last week (at our home no less)and broke her wrist. Friday, she was operated on and is doing well. They constructed her cast by hand (pure plaster) due to the pins and rods they placed among the breaks. She is still experiencing pain and her hand and arm are very swollen. It is awkward and hot, but you'd never hear her complain.
I promise to post pictures and dialogue from the past two weeks; which included Emily's last day of Kindergarten and a very unique birthday party that Emily chose this year and also included Miss Hannah's second birthday (see below). I still have pictures to upload:)
I haven't been as frequently visiting my blogger friends and I will get back to seeing you all soon. I haven't left bloggityville and don't plan to, but wanted you to know that I am missing you as I get caught up. Thanks to those who have so kindly inquired to where we have been, very sweet!
I tell you, I'm having a harder time keeping up too. There are so many summer activities that we are enjoying outside right now.
Hi Friend!!!! I completely understand the summer hiatus! It is reality here too!!!! I just happen to have 2 hours to ME, so I have decided checking in on my buddies is much more fun than laundry, etc. today! Tell Emily that Ainsley has that adorable white top from Gymboree too. Ruby too! Sorry about your Mom! Bless her heart!!!! It sounds like Hannah enjoyed her birthday. Her cake was precious! I can't believe I will be doing a 2 year old party soon too...
I hope to check back soon!
Hi again,
I know MANY people miss you when you're gone. You have such a profound and positive impact on so many people.
It is hard for me to keep up with the whole blogging thing and I only have one child and not much of a life, so I know it is much harder with more kids, family, vacations, etc.
Have so much fun "down the shore."
PS-You remember how.
OH I am right there with ya friend! It seems like most days I do not even get on here...(in blogland I mean)....but you have been missed and I am so so sad to hear of your Mother's accident...I will most fervently be lifting her in prayer for a quick recovery!
Love you, sweet friend!
I am sorry to hear about your mom...
Your title made me laugh...that was really clever!!
Me too! My daughter is home from college and my computer is in her room. Every time I get the little ones down to sleep SHE is asleep and I can't check on all my friends.
I will be praying for your Mom.
I've missed you and have enjoyed these last few posts about your birthday girls!
We are headed "down the shore" this week too...we leave Saturday! I have to admit this is my first trip "down the shore" (okay...I really just like that local took awhile, but now I claim it as my own!) since moving here...we're finally starting to fit in with the "locals"!! :-)
I have to far summer seems much more hectic than the school year!!
Have a wonderful week!
Glad to see you posting again. You were missed. :-) Can't wait to see more pictures of your precious little ladybugs. Now, I'm off to play catch-up myself. (I hope...)
You are so are a great blogger and you can leave that support group now!
Praying for your sweet mom. Please kiss her big boo boo for us.
My first "free time" at this conference, so just checking in on a few things. Nice to see your beautiful pictures...they warm my heart!
I'll be back in Bucks County Sunday night.
You'd love it here! I have the dates for next year for you!
Love you!
Sharon :)
My name is Sheri and I've been a bad blogger, too! I enjoyed catching up on what's been going on with your sweet family. The birthday pictures were so precious. Isn't it hard to believe that your baby girl is already two!! Sarah turns three this year, and I want time to stand still. :)
Heather, I already commented, but I just wanted to let you know that I tagged you on my blog. :-)
Ok....just coming by to check on my favorite little ladybugs...and their sweet sweet Momma!!!
Hope your days are filled with sweet summer pleasures!
Love and miss you,
Heather - You're certainly not a bad blogger. I love stopping here for a quick pick-me-up. Always a ray of sunshine. :)
Sorry to read about your mother's accident. Prayers for quick healing.
I sent you a note through your profile email address. Did you happen to see something from me in your in-box? I have a few questions for you if you're willing.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Heather! I think you somehow got in the wrong support goof-ball!! LOL
I hope you all are having a great summer and enjoying each day! The girls look as sweet as ever.
I hope your Mom is feeling better too.
We made those fabulous Philly soft pretzels a few weeks ago and the boys LOVED them! It was a fun morning project and yummy delight for them! Thanks again for sending them our way!! :)
Sending love and big hugs your way to your family!
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