Here it is again. I feel like it was only yesterday the summer loomed hot and long ahead of us. I looked at the calendar, wondering what we would do with all the glorious free time. I dreamed of late mornings sleeping in, cuddling with the ladybugs, trips to the farmers' market, plenty of corn on the cob and friends to go with. Most of those things we actually accomplished, though not as often as I would have liked!
And now, I look behind us, thankful for all the days spent with friends, the fun activities that made this summer special and wondering what ever happened to that free time???
Dare I say that I am slightly (ever so slightly) even looking forward to the schedule of school?
As we sat watching Toy Story 3 this weekend, I actually cried. Ugly cry, people. My mind wandered to a time when my own daughters will outgrow the comfort and giddiness of toys and play things and replace them with lip gloss, pedicures and concerts. I let my head drift to a time when boys will knock on our door and Sunday evenings will incorporate Youth Group and mission planning. I looked down the row and sitting several seats away from me was my eight year old daughter, rapt with attention sporting a sweet American Girl shirt, that will in time, become too childish for our flaming redhead. Alarmed, I realized I had seen the first Toy Story with my nephew, ANDY, who is now 21 and a junior in college. And the core of the movie, hit just a little too close to home!
But it made me really grateful. Grateful for time. Emily went to a birthday party this evening and as we were leaving she thanked me for bringing her to the party. She thanked me! And all I could think was that I thank her for being my child. Many times during the course of this summer, we would be driving to the next scheduled event and I would glance back to see the girls bee bopping about in the back seat and I felt such gratitude for those moments we could share. So, even though I feel my pants size has increased due to the amount of time spent stagnant in the drivers seat of our vehicle, I would not trade the new friends, old friends, fireworks, baseball games, singing lessons, dance camp, mini camp, playgrounds, VBS, missionary training, playdates, science camp, fellowship, and so on!
We still have two short weeks to breathe in the summer air, one of which we plan to spend at the beach.
I pray you have had a good summer and that God has given you and your family peace about returning to the classroom.