And nothing was done.
No cookie dough, decorating or deal shopping fun.
The children were annoyed
by boxes filled with glee,
the angels and wreaths and stuff for the tree.
They hovered and begged and fingered each one
asking each time, can we open just one?
Then, what to my wondering eyes should appear
But the white postal truck, mailman in tow
He ran up the drive, so lively and quick
But I knew in my heart that he was not St. Nick
He smiled and fidgeted and rang our doorbell
This package is for you, hope all is well
We giggled, we opened, and saw with delight
A beautiful box filled with everything right
Gingerbread scents and a treat for our tree
All we can say is THANK YOU CONNIE!
We were blessed by a drawing held at Mommy24Treasures and we received the cutest box, filled with lovely things for our Christmas celebration. My favorite item is, of course, the darling ornament for the tree. Emily and Hannah really liked that too. I am grateful today for the miracle of community that adoption has extended into our home.
Sadly, the beginning of this rhyme is true - we have accomplished very little as far as the holidays are concerned and true to form, I am wondering however will it all get done. Fortunately, I am constantly reminded that there are certain Type A things that are not necessary and all the important things will get done. I have put one decoration out so far - the advent wreath. Emily knew immediately what it represents and asked when we would add the purple and pink candles. I suppose that is how I know all the important things will happen this Christmas.
On a prayerful note, I have proclaimed many times my love for Emily's teacher. This week her husband fell ill, and it was confirmed yesterday that he suffered a stroke - he will be fine, but has a road ahead of him and his lovely wife as well. Please pray for their family as they navigate this new and sudden territory. Their faith will sustain them, but it doesn't remove the painfulness of the process.
Wishing you all a happy month ahead filled with wonder and beauty.